herbicide in the form of a concentrate for making a water emulsion, used on foliage, ...
216,41 zł
Unix 75 WG - protects the stem base and lower leaves against fungal diseases - 1 kg
Unix 75 WG protects the stem base and lower leaves against fungal diseases 1kg T1 ...
256,15 zł
Geoxe 50 WG - w ochronie jabłoni i gruszy przed chorobami przechowalniczymi - 1kg
Geoxe 50 WG in the protection of apple and pear trees against storage diseases 1 ...
747,76 zł
Moddus 250 EC - plant growth regulator in the form of a concentrate used for cereals - 1L
Moddus 250 EC plant growth regulator in the form of a concentrate used in cereals ...
239,18 zł
Moddus 250 EC - plant growth regulator in the form of a concentrate used for cereals - 5L
Moddus 250 EC plant growth regulator in the form of a concentrate used for cereals ...
1 072,22 zł
Unix 75 WG - protects the stem base and lower leaves against fungal diseases - 5kg
Unix 75 WG protects the stem base and lower leaves against fungal diseases 5kg T1 ...
1 378,10 zł
Moddus 250 EC - plant growth regulator in the form of a concentrate used for cereals - 20L
Moddus 250 EC plant growth regulator in the form of a concentrate used in cereals ...
2 925,61 zł
Switch 62,5 WG - zwalcza i zapobiega chorobom truskawki, roślin sadowniczych i warzywniczych - 1kg
Switch 62.5WG fights and prevents diseases of strawberries, fruit and vegetable plants 1 kg SWITCH® ...
707,09 zł
Scorpion 325 SC - in combating spotting, alteriosis, rust, powdery mildew in vegetable crops - 1L
Scorpion 325 SC in combating spotting, alteriosis, rust, powdery mildew in vegetable crops 1L It ...
350,98 zł
Chorus 50 WG - stosowany zapobiegawczo i interwencyjnie w ochronie roślin sadowniczych - 5kg
CHORUS ® 50 WG active substances 75% cyprodinil (a compound from the group of anilinopyrimidines ...
1 177,94 zł 995,00 zł
Maxim 025 FS - dressing for wheat, triticale and rye grains with a broad spectrum of disease control
Maxim 025 FS Dressing for wheat, triticale and rye grains with a broad spectrum of ...
576,43 zł
Scorpion 325 SC - in combating spotting, alteriosis, rust, powdery mildew in vegetable crops - 5L
Scorpion 325 SC 5L in combating spotting, alteriosis, rust, powdery mildew in vegetable crops It ...
1 560,01 zł
Scorpion 325 SC - in combating spotting, alteriosis, rust, powdery mildew in vegetable crops - 10L
Scorpion 325 SC10L in combating spotting, alteriosis, rust, powdery mildew in vegetable crops It saves ...
2 486,38 zł
Maxim025FS mortar for grains of wheat, triticale and rye with a broad spectrum of disease control20L
Maxim 025 FS Dressing for wheat, triticale and rye grains with a broad spectrum of ...
2 130,19 zł