Feed additive 3; Dietary Supplement B; Compound trace elements
Copper sulfate
It is widely used in disinfection As a disinfectant and fungicide
Correction of the hoof
Very helpful in the prevention of hoof diseases are baths in disinfecting liquids and cure horn hoof. 10% aqueous copper sulphate or 5% formalin is used for this purpose. Liquids are prepared in special pools with gentle drops and edges. Their depth must be such that by passing through the bath, the cow ducks the hoof and interstitium. Equally important is the proper nutrition and proper handling of animals.
Source: Anna Dobosz's article published in No. 10/1998 "Częstochowa Gazeta Rolniczej"
Disinfection of manure-
Use 2.5% solution in combination with sulfuric acid in the amount of 5-10 liters of both components per 1m2.
1% solution-
For decontamination - in meat plants - walls and floors and air-cooling ducts
3% solution - to fight fungal infestations
Side effect: Not to be adminstratet together with alkalis, carbonates, caustic ammonium liquor Storage: Keep in tightly closed containers.
Properties and operation: Blue crystals without smell of metallic taste. Dissolves in 3 parts water and 4 parts glycerol. In the form of concentrated solutions or substances, it acts corrosively on the surface of the body. It shows anti-fungal action. Oral administration causes severe irritation of mucous membranes. In dilute solutions, astringent.
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Please contact the Center for Agriculture Services Galvet Company Sowin 102, 48-316 Lambinowice Poland TAX identification number PL7491002086 phone/fax +48 774343005 in hours 7.00-15.30
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tel. stacjonarny 77/434 30 05, pasze.+48 506392786, chemia+48 513107483, asortyment +48 505651239, food+48507795779
pasze@galvet.pl, chemia@galvet.pl, asortyment@galvet.pl, food@galvet.pl
Staramy się sprostać oczekiwaniom klienta dlatego poszerzamy swoją ofertę o nowe produkty. Zdajemy sobie sprawę że żywienie zwierząt i uprawa roślin wciąż ewoluuje dlatego kształcimy się i poszerzamy wiedzę w tym kierunku, a to wszystko dla zdrowia waszych zwierząt i roślin!
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