Feed additive 3; Dietary additive B; mixtures of trace elements
copper sulfate
Hoof correction:
Baths in a liquid that disinfects and hardens the hoof horn are very helpful in the prevention of hoof diseases. For this purpose, a 10% aqueous solution of copper sulfate or 5% formalin is used.
The fluid is prepared in special pools with a gentle slope and banks.
Their depth must be such that, while passing through the bath, the cow submerges the hoof and the inter-treble gap.
Equally important preventive factors are proper nutrition and proper handling of the animals.
Liquid manure disinfection
A 2.5% solution is used in combination with sulfuric acid in the amount of 5-10 liters of both components per m2.
1% solution - for disinfection - in meat factories of walls, floors and air-cooling ducts
3% solution - to combat mildew in rooms.
Properties and operation:
Blue crystals without a smell with a metallic taste.
It is dissolved in 3 parts of water and 4 parts of glycerin.
In the form of concentrated solutions or substances, it is corrosive to body surfaces.
It has antifungal activity.
When administered orally, it causes severe irritation of the mucous membranes.
It has an astringent effect in diluted solutions.
Adverse reaction:
Do not administer together with alkalis, carbonates, Liquor Ammonii caustici.
Store in tightly closed vessels.
It is widely used in disinfection
as a deodorant and fungicide.
Source: Anna Dobosz's article published in No. 10/1998 of "Częstochowska Gazeta Rolnicza"
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GALVET GLIVET activity 5kg (vegetable glycerin min. 99.5%) feed material
100,98 zł66,00 zł