Cumin grain 25 kg
Ground cumin called cumin -
Cumin comes from Egypt, nowadays it grows in most warm countries, especially in India, North Africa, China and America. This spice is particularly associated with Morocco, where walking through the streets of the city you can smell its smell.
Cumin was known to the Egyptians already 5 centuries ago, which is confirmed by the fact that its seeds were found in the oldest Egyptian pyramids. It was used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes to give blushes to a pale complexion.
Cumin is used mainly where well-seasoned dishes are valued - mainly in India, the Far and Middle East, as well as in Mexican, Portuguese and Spanish cuisine. It is a component of most curries and many spicy spice mixtures and is used as an addition to goulash, to grilled dishes. Thanks to caraway, plain rice, beans and some cakes can gain a lot. A small amount of this spice can be successfully added to eggplant and bean dishes.
Cumin is indispensable as an ingredient in many spicy Mexican dishes, such as chilli con carne, chilli sauce, and also for guacamole - a traditional Mexican sauce.
Cumin is diuretic, carminative, has antispasmodic properties, also has a beneficial effect on the stomach. It is irreplaceable in indigestion and diarrhea, as well as in the treatment of hoarseness. It can also relieve bloating and colic. Accelerates lactation and relieves nausea in pregnant women.
Cumin has been shown to be effective in treating carpal tunnel syndrome and diarrhea, as well as indigestion and morning sickness. Cumin allegedly naturally helps to increase breast size. Used as a compress, it relieves swelling of the breast or testicles. Cumin stimulates the appetite.
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GALVET GLIVET activity 5kg (vegetable glycerin min. 99.5%) feed material
100,98 zł66,00 zł